Your Video Pipeline for All Things HDPE

Watch the videos below for insight into the polyethylene industry from our HDPE experts and to learn more about how Gajeske supplies more than pipe — we supply solutions.
Get it All at Gajeske
Learn why we’re your polyethylene pipe specialists. We bring way more to the table than a large inventory of HDPE pipe and parts. We offer a full suite of solutions.

#Gajeske #HDPE #PolyethylenePipe
Why HDPE? Durability, Part 1
Durability is just one reason to choose HDPE pipe from Gajeske. With unmatched resistance and seamlessly heat-fused joints, leak-free is not a pipe dream.

#Gajeske #HDPE #Durability
Why HDPE? Durability, Part 2
HDPE pipe from Gajeske stands the test of time. You get leak-free performance, even in the harshest conditions and toughest applications.

#Gajeske #HDPE #Durability
Gajeske Training Solutions
We supply more than pipe—we supply the training solutions your team needs to help ensure the safe, efficient installation of our leak-free HDPE piping systems.

#HDPE #Gajeske #OperatorQualification #Training
Operator Qualification Training
We go the extra mile to provide unmatched OQ training that includes both hands-on and classroom instruction and is both accredited and industry recognized.

#Gajeske #OperatorQualification #Training
The Pipe Professor, Episode 1: FM Approved Pipe
In our first installment of our ‘Pipe Professor’ series, our resident HDPE expert, Harvey Svetlik, P.E., explains why FM Approved pipe is a game-changer for underground fire protection systems.

#Gajeske #HDPE #PipeProfessor #FMapproved